
149 lines
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//-- Openscad Attachment library
//-- Attach parts easily. Make your designs more reusable and clean
//-- This is a component of the obiscad opescad tools by Obijuan
//-- (C) Juan Gonzalez-Gomez (Obijuan)
//-- Sep-2012
//-- Released under the GPL license
use <vector.scad>
//-- Draw a connector
//-- A connector is defined a 3-tuple that consist of a point
//--- (the attachment point), and axis (the attachment axis) and
//--- an angle the connected part should be rotate around the
//-- attachment axis
//--- Input parameters:
//-- Connector c = [p , n, ang] where:
//-- p : The attachment point
//-- v : The attachment axis
//-- ang : the angle
module connector(c)
//-- Get the three components from the connector
p = c[0];
v = c[1];
ang = c[2];
//-- Draw the attachment poing
color("Gray") point(p);
//-- Draw the attachment axis vector (with a mark)
rotate(a=ang, v=v)
color("Gray") vector(unitv(v)*6, l_arrow=2, mark=true);
//-- This operator applies the necesary transformations to the
//-- child (attachable part) so that it is attached to the main part
//-- Parameters
//-- a -> Connector of the main part
//-- b -> Connector of the attachable part
module attach(a,b)
//-- Get the data from the connectors
pos1 = a[0]; //-- Attachment point. Main part
v = a[1]; //-- Attachment axis. Main part
roll = a[2]; //-- Rolling angle
pos2 = b[0]; //-- Attachment point. Attachable part
vref = b[1]; //-- Atachment axis. Attachable part
//-- The rolling angle of the attachable part is not used
//-------- Calculations for the "orientate operator"------
//-- Calculate the rotation axis
raxis = cross(vref,v);
//-- Calculate the angle between the vectors
ang = anglev(vref,v);
//-- Apply the transformations to the child ---------------------------
//-- Place the attachable part on the main part attachment point
//-- Orientate operator. Apply the orientation so that
//-- both attachment axis are paralell. Also apply the roll angle
rotate(a=roll, v=v) rotate(a=ang, v=raxis)
//-- Attachable part to the origin
//--- An example of the attach operator
//--- There are two parts: the main body and an arm
//--- They both are cubes (for simplicity)
//-- In the main body there are 2 connectors defined, so that
//-- the arm can be attached to any of them (or both if you like)
//-- In the debug mode the connectors and additional information
//-- are shown
//-- Define the Main part: A cube
//-- Two attachment points are defined: one on the top, another in the
//--- left side
size = [10,10,10];
//-- Connectors defined:
//-- Att. point Att. Axis Roll
c1 = [ [0,0,size[2]/2], [0,0,1], 20]; //-- Connector on the top
c2 = [ [-size[0]/2,0,0], [-1,0,0], 90]; //-- Connector on the left
//-- Draw the main part along with the connectors (for debugging)
//-- In debug mode: Draw the main part connectors!
if (debug) {
//-- Define the Attachable part. It is another cube, with one connector
asize = [5,20,3];
a = [ [0,asize[1]/2-3,-asize[2]/2], [0,0,1], 0 ];
//-- Do the attach!
//-- Just change c1 by c2 to attach the part to the other
//-- connector. Super-easy!! :-)
//-- Modify the c1 and c2 roll angle for rotating the attachable
//-- part to the desired orientation
//-- This is the attachable part!
union() {
cube(asize,center=true); //-- The part
//-- In debug mode show additional info:
if (debug) {
frame(l=10); //-- The part frame of reference.
connector(a); //-- Show the part connector