Extrude Documentation


Extrude requires pySerial installed for this module to work. If you are using Fedora it is available on yum (run "sudo yum install pyserial").

To actually control the reprap requires write access to the serial device, running as root is one way to get that access.

Extrude is a python script to display and extrude a gcode file. It controls the extruder and movement. It can read linear and helical move commands. It saves a log file with the suffix _log.


This example displays and extrudes a gcode file. This example is run in a terminal as root in the folder which contains Hollow Square.gcode, and extrude.py.

>>> import reprap.extrude as extrude Extrude has been imported. The gcode files in this directory that are not log files are the following: ['Hollow Square.gcode'] >>> extrude.display() File Hollow Square.gcode is being displayed. reprap.serial = serial.Serial(0, 19200, timeout = 60) reprap.cartesian.x.active = True reprap.cartesian.y.active = True reprap.cartesian.z.active = True reprap.extruder.active = True reprap.cartesian.x.setNotify() reprap.cartesian.y.setNotify() reprap.cartesian.z.setNotify() reprap.cartesian.x.limit = 2523 reprap.cartesian.y.limit = 2000 reprap.cartesian.homeReset( 200, True ) ( GCode generated by March 29,2007 Skeinforge ) ( Extruder Initialization ) M100 P210 M103 reprap.extruder.setMotor(reprap.CMD_REVERSE, 0) .. many lines of gcode and extruder commands .. reprap.cartesian.homeReset( 600, True ) reprap.cartesian.free() The gcode log file is saved as Hollow Square_log.gcode >>> extrude.displayFile("Hollow Square.gcode") File Hollow Square.gcode is being displayed. .. The gcode log file is saved as Hollow Square_log.gcode >>> extrude.displayFiles(["Hollow Square.gcode"]) File Hollow Square.gcode is being displayed. .. The gcode log file is saved as Hollow Square_log.gcode >>> extrude.displayText(" ( GCode generated by March 29,2007 Skeinforge ) ( Extruder Initialization ) .. many lines of gcode .. ") reprap.serial = serial.Serial(0, 19200, timeout = 60) reprap.cartesian.x.active = True reprap.cartesian.y.active = True reprap.cartesian.z.active = True reprap.extruder.active = True reprap.cartesian.x.setNotify() reprap.cartesian.y.setNotify() reprap.cartesian.z.setNotify() reprap.cartesian.x.limit = 2523 reprap.cartesian.y.limit = 2000 reprap.cartesian.homeReset( 200, True ) ( GCode generated by March 29,2007 Skeinforge ) ( Extruder Initialization ) M100 P210 M103 reprap.extruder.setMotor(reprap.CMD_REVERSE, 0) .. many lines of gcode and extruder commands .. reprap.cartesian.homeReset( 600, True ) reprap.cartesian.free() Note: On my system the reprap is not connected, so I get can not connect messages, like: >>> extrude.extrude() File Hollow Square.gcode is being extruded. reprap.serial = serial.Serial(0, 19200, timeout = 60) reprap.cartesian.x.active = True reprap.cartesian.y.active = True reprap.cartesian.z.active = True reprap.extruder.active = True reprap.cartesian.x.setNotify() Error: Serial timeout Error: ACK not recieved .. On a system where a reprap is connected to the serial port, you should get the following: >>> extrude.extrude() File Hollow Square.gcode is being extruded. .. The gcode log file is saved as Hollow Square_log.gcode >>> extrude.extrudeFile("Hollow Square.gcode") File Hollow Square.gcode is being extruded. .. The gcode log file is saved as Hollow Square_log.gcode >>> extrude.extrudeFiles(["Hollow Square.gcode"]) File Hollow Square.gcode is being extruded. .. The gcode log file is saved as Hollow Square_log.gcode >>> extrude.extrudeText(" ( GCode generated by March 29,2007 Skeinforge ) ( Extruder Initialization ) .. many lines of gcode .. ") reprap.serial = serial.Serial(0, 19200, timeout = 60) reprap.cartesian.x.active = True reprap.cartesian.y.active = True reprap.cartesian.z.active = True reprap.extruder.active = True reprap.cartesian.x.setNotify() reprap.cartesian.y.setNotify() reprap.cartesian.z.setNotify() reprap.cartesian.x.limit = 2523 reprap.cartesian.y.limit = 2000 reprap.cartesian.homeReset( 200, True ) ( GCode generated by March 29,2007 Skeinforge ) ( Extruder Initialization ) M100 P210 M103 reprap.extruder.setMotor(reprap.CMD_REVERSE, 0) .. many lines of gcode and extruder commands .. reprap.cartesian.homeReset( 600, True ) reprap.cartesian.free()

Display Commands


Parse a gcode file and display the commands.
extrude.display( filename = '' )

Returns: Nothing


Parse a gcode file and display the commands.
extrude.displayFile( filename )

Returns: Nothing


Parse gcode files and display the commands.
extrude.displayFiles( filenames )

Returns: Nothing


Parse a gcode text and display the commands.
extrude.displayText( gcodeText )

Returns: Gcode text and commands.

Extrude Commands


Parse a gcode file and send the commands to the extruder. This function requires write access to the serial device, running as root is one way to get that access.
extrude.extrude( filename = '' )

Returns: Nothing


Parse a gcode file and send the commands to the extruder. This function requires write access to the serial device, running as root is one way to get that access.
extrude.extrudeFile( filename )

Returns: Nothing


Parse gcode files and send the commands to the extruder. This function requires write access to the serial device, running as root is one way to get that access.
extrude.extrudeFiles( filenames )

Returns: Nothing


Parse a gcode text and send the commands to the extruder. This function requires write access to the serial device, running as root is one way to get that access.
extrude.extrudeText( gcodeText )

Returns: Gcode text and commands.