//Endstop Holder by NewtonrRob //http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:30085 //http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ include <MCAD/units.scad> include <MCAD/materials.scad> include <MCAD/metric_fastners.scad> include <MCAD/nuts_and_bolts.scad> use <micro_switch.scad> module end_stop_holder(with_extra_parts=false, exploded=false) { difference() { union() { cube([4,43,10]); //4,45,10 translate([8, 15,0]) cylinder(h = 10, r = 8, $fn = 50); cube([16, 15,10]); translate([17,6,5]) cube([2,5.75,10], center=true); translate([17,6,5]) rotate(a=[60,0,0]) cube([2,5.75,10], center=true); translate([17,6,5]) rotate(a=[120,0,0]) cube([2,5.75,10], center=true); } translate([8, 15,-epsilon]) cylinder(h = 10+2*epsilon, r = 4, $fn = 50); translate([5, -epsilon, -epsilon]) cube([6, 15+epsilon,10+2*epsilon]); translate([-10, 6, 5]) rotate(a=[0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 30, r = 1.5, $fn= 20); translate([-10, 28, 5]) rotate(a=[0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 30, r = 1, $fn= 20); translate([-10, 38, 5]) rotate(a=[0, 90, 0]) cylinder(h = 30, r = 1, $fn= 20); translate([17,6,5]) cube([2+epsilon,3.5,6], center=true); translate([17,6,5]) rotate(a=[60,0,0]) cube([2+epsilon,3.5,6], center=true); translate([17,6,5]) rotate(a=[120,0,0]) cube([2+epsilon,3.5,6], center=true); } if(with_extra_parts) { end_stop_holder_extras(exploded_distance=(exploded?8:0)); } module end_stop_holder_extras(exploded_distance=0) { echo("Non-Plastic Parts, 6, Washer M3 to attach micro switch on end_stop_holder"); for(i = [0:2] ) { translate([4+i*0.3+(i+1)*0.2*exploded_distance, 28, 5]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) color(Steel) washer(3); translate([4+i*0.3+(i+1)*0.2*exploded_distance, 38, 5]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) color(Steel) washer(3); } echo("Non-Plastic Parts, 1, Micro Switch on end_stop_holder"); translate([4+3*0.3+exploded_distance, 28-5.15+(10-9.5)/2, 5-2]) rotate([90,0,90]) micro_switch(with_extra_parts=true, exploded=(exploded_distance!=0)); echo("Non-Plastic Parts, 1, Bolt M3 x 18 mm to attach end_stop_holder on smooth rod"); translate([-3*exploded_distance,6,5]) rotate([0,90,0]) color(Steel) boltHole(size=3, length=18); echo("Non-Plastic Parts, 1, Nut M3 to attach end_stop_holder on smooth rod"); translate([17+0.9*3/2+exploded_distance,6,5]) rotate([0,-90,0]) rotate([0,0,30]) color(Steel) flat_nut(3); } } end_stop_holder();