#!/usr/bin/python # AUTHOR: # Carlosgs (http://carlosgs.es) # LICENSE: # Attribution - Share Alike - Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) # # DISCLAIMER: # This software is provided "as is", and you use the software at your own risk. Under no # circumstances shall Carlosgs be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or # consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this software, # even if Carlosgs has been advised of the possibility of such damages. # Begin modules import sys import numpy as np from scipy import interpolate import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm sys.path.append("../CycloneHost") import GcodeViewer as gcv # End modules # Temporary path to speedup testing import os from subprocess import call os.chdir("../GcodeGenerators/pyGerber2Gcode_CUI/") call(["pypy","./pygerber2gcode_cui_MOD.py"]) os.chdir("../../gcode_Z_adjust") def pltShowNonBlocking(): #plt.ion() # Enable real-time plotting to avoid blocking behaviour for plt.show() plt.draw() #plt.ioff() # Disable real-time plotting def pltNewFig(): fig = plt.figure() #plt.draw() return fig def pltSetFig(fig): plt.figure(fig.number) def pltRefresh(fig): fig.canvas.draw() def pltShow(): #plt.ion() # IMPORTANT: Enable real-time plotting plt.draw() #plt.ioff() plt.ion() # IMPORTANT: Enable real-time plotting gcodeviewer = pltNewFig() # Define a new figure, this doesnt open a window by itself (real-time plotting disabled) filePath = "../GcodeGenerators/pyGerber2Gcode_CUI/out/" fileName = "4LDR_Board" # sys.argv[1] gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showAll=1) pltRefresh(gcodeviewer) # Draw the figure contents, still no window pltShow() # Open the window showing our figure raw_input("Press enter to exit...")