bq Additions =========================== The files contained in this folder are part of the Cyclone branch developed at bq's department of innovation by [Pedro de Oro]( These improvements will be re-implemented in the OpenScad parametric version of Cyclone. * **Updates** - **Cycl_Tapa_Electrónica**: Final version. - **Cycl_engranajeMotorXY**: Nut hollow more deep in to the gear. - **Cycl_marcoFrontalY**: Added a extension for motor support. This avoid the vibrations transmision on the mechanism. - **Cycl_marcoIzquierdoX**: Bearing hollow more deep. - **Cycl_soporteRodamientoLinealYV2**: Added bridle holder and nut holder for easy way to screw. - **Cyclone_base_8mm_negro**: Added Electronic case drills, new outline design and reference system in the low left corner. - **Cyclone_workbed_8mm_transparente_bq**: Added bq logo and re-organize and resize logos. - **Electrodo_Calibracion_Cyclone_doblado**: Added fold. * **Documentation** Please visit [Diwo](

Cyclone v2.0