//----------------------------------------------------------------------- //-- Example: how to use the bconcave_corner_attach to add buttress easily //-- to the union of two ortogonal parts //----------------------------------------------------------------------- use use //-- Parts parameters th = 3; bsize = [30,30,th]; size = [bsize[0],th,20]; //-- The two ortogonal parts translate([0,0,size[2]/2]) cube(size,center=true); cube(bsize,center=true); //-- Define the connectors ec1 = [ [bsize[0]/4, -th/2, th/2], [1,0,0], 0]; en1 = [ ec1[0], [0,-1,1], 0]; ec2 = [ [-bsize[0]/4, -th/2, th/2], [1,0,0], 0]; en2 = [ ec2[0], [0,-1,1], 0]; ec3 = [ [0, th/2, th/2], [1,0,0], 0]; en3 = [ ec3[0], [0,1,1], 0]; //-- Debuging *connector(ec3); *connector(en3); //-- Attach the bconcave_corner part for adding the buttress //-- 2 small buttress bisector bconcave_corner_attach(ec1,en1,l=th,cr=5,cres=0); bconcave_corner_attach(ec2,en2,l=th,cr=5,cres=0); //-- 1 bigger rounded buttress bconcave_corner_attach(ec3,en3,l=bsize[0]/2,cr=8,cres=6);