// Downloaded from https://raw.github.com/reprap/huxley/master/OpenSCAD-huxley/Original-files/teardrop.scad // Make a RepRap teardrop with its axis along Z // If truncated is true, chop the apex; if not, come to a point // I stole this function from Erik... module teardrop(radius, height, truncateMM) { union() { if(truncateMM > 0) { intersection() { translate([truncateMM,0,height/2]) scale([1,1,height]) cube([radius*2.8275,radius*2,1],center=true); scale([1,1,height]) rotate([0,0,3*45]) cube([radius,radius,1]); } } else { scale([1,1,height]) rotate([0,0,3*45]) cube([radius,radius,1]); } cylinder(r=radius, h = height, $fn=20); } } //teardrop(5, 20, 1);