//--------------------------------------------- //-- Example of use of the vector library //--------------------------------------------- use //-- Place a frame of refence in the origin frame(l=10); a = 20; //-- Define some example vectors v = [a,a,a]; vh = [a,a,0]; //-- Proyection on the z=0 plane vv = [0,0,a]; //-- Proyection on the z axis //-- Draw the vector vector(v); //-- Draw the proyection on the z=0 plane color("Gray") vector(vh); //-- Draw the proyection on the z axis, but //-- locate it in the end of the previous vector color("Gray") translate(vh) vector(vv); //-- Orientate a cube along the v vector color("orange") orientate(v=v,roll=0) cube([2,2,20],center=true); //-- Add a transparent cube color("Gray",0.2) cube(a);