/* * OpenSCAD Shapes Library (www.openscad.org) * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Giles Bathgate, Elmo Mäntynen * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, * LGPL version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version of the GPL. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ // 2D regular shapes module triangle(radius) { o=radius/2; //equivalent to radius*sin(30) a=radius*sqrt(3)/2; //equivalent to radius*cos(30) polygon(points=[[-a,-o],[0,radius],[a,-o]],paths=[[0,1,2]]); } module reg_polygon(sides,radius) { function dia(r) = sqrt(pow(r*2,2)/2); //sqrt((r*2^2)/2) if only we had an exponention op if(sides<2) square([radius,0]); if(sides==3) triangle(radius); if(sides==4) square([dia(radius),dia(radius)],center=true); if(sides>4) circle(r=radius,$fn=sides); } module pentagon(radius) { reg_polygon(5,radius); } module hexagon(radius) { reg_polygon(6,radius); } module heptagon(radius) { reg_polygon(7,radius); } module octagon(radius) { reg_polygon(8,radius); } module nonagon(radius) { reg_polygon(9,radius); } module decagon(radius) { reg_polygon(10,radius); } module hendecagon(radius) { reg_polygon(11,radius); } module dodecagon(radius) { reg_polygon(12,radius); } module ring(inside_diameter, thickness){ difference(){ circle(r=(inside_diameter+thickness*2)/2); circle(r=inside_diameter/2); } } module ellipse(width, height) { scale([1, height/width, 1]) circle(r=width/2); } // The ratio of lenght and width is about 1.39 for a real egg module egg_outline(width, length){ translate([0, width/2, 0]) union(){ rotate([0, 0, 180]) difference(){ ellipse(width, 2*length-width); translate([-length/2, 0, 0]) square(length); } circle(r=width/2); } } //3D regular shapes module cone(height, radius, center = false) { cylinder(height, radius, 0, center); } module oval_prism(height, rx, ry, center = false) { scale([1, rx/ry, 1]) cylinder(h=height, r=ry, center=center); } module oval_tube(height, rx, ry, wall, center = false) { difference() { scale([1, ry/rx, 1]) cylinder(h=height, r=rx, center=center); translate([0,0,-height/2]) scale([(rx-wall)/rx, (ry-wall)/rx, 2]) cylinder(h=height, r=rx, center=center); } } module cylinder_tube(height, radius, wall, center = false) { tubify(radius,wall) cylinder(h=height, r=radius, center=center); } //Tubifies any regular prism module tubify(radius,wall) { difference() { child(0); translate([0, 0, -0.1]) scale([(radius-wall)/radius, (radius-wall)/radius, 2]) child(0); } } module triangle_prism(height,radius) { linear_extrude(height=height) triangle(radius); } module triangle_tube(height,radius,wall) { tubify(radius,wall) triangle_prism(height,radius); } module pentagon_prism(height,radius) { linear_extrude(height=height) pentagon(radius); } module pentagon_tube(height,radius,wall) { tubify(radius,wall) pentagon_prism(height,radius); } module hexagon_prism(height,radius) { linear_extrude(height=height) hexagon(radius); } module hexagon_tube(height,radius,wall) { tubify(radius,wall) hexagon_prism(height,radius); } module heptagon_prism(height,radius) { linear_extrude(height=height) heptagon(radius); } module heptagon_tube(height,radius,wall) { tubify(radius,wall) heptagon_prism(height,radius); } module octagon_prism(height,radius) { linear_extrude(height=height) octagon(radius); } module octagon_tube(height,radius,wall) { tubify(radius,wall) octagon_prism(height,radius); } module nonagon_prism(height,radius) { linear_extrude(height=height) nonagon(radius); } module decagon_prism(height,radius) { linear_extrude(height=height) decagon(radius); } module hendecagon_prism(height,radius) { linear_extrude(height=height) hendecagon(radius); } module dodecagon_prism(height,radius) { linear_extrude(height=height) dodecagon(radius); } module torus(outerRadius, innerRadius) { r=(outerRadius-innerRadius)/2; rotate_extrude() translate([innerRadius+r,0,0]) circle(r); } module torus2(r1, r2) { rotate_extrude() translate([r1,0,0]) circle(r2); } module oval_torus(inner_radius, thickness=[0, 0]) { rotate_extrude() translate([inner_radius+thickness[0]/2,0,0]) ellipse(width=thickness[0], height=thickness[1]); } module triangle_pyramid(radius) { o=radius/2; //equivalent to radius*sin(30) a=radius*sqrt(3)/2; //equivalent to radius*cos(30) polyhedron(points=[[-a,-o,-o],[a,-o,-o],[0,radius,-o],[0,0,radius]],triangles=[[0,1,2],[1,2,3],[0,1,3],[0,2,3]]); } module square_pyramid(base_x, base_y,height) { w=base_x/2; h=base_y/2; polyhedron(points=[[-w,-h,0],[-w,h,0],[w,h,0],[w,-h,0],[0,0,height]],triangles=[[0,3,2,1], [0,1,4], [1,2,4], [2,3,4], [3,0,4]]); } module egg(width, lenght){ rotate_extrude() difference(){ egg_outline(width, lenght); translate([-lenght, 0, 0]) cube(2*lenght, center=true); } } // Tests: test_square_pyramid(){square_pyramid(10, 20, 30);}