Add support for rendering gears

Added cyclone_rod_gear and cyclone_motor_gear modules
Arne Durr 2014-11-30 21:05:10 +01:00
parent 96c265816c
commit ce03fc1cde
1 changed files with 60 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
use <obiscad/obiscad/bcube.scad> use <obiscad/obiscad/bcube.scad>
use <MCAD/metric_fastners.scad> use <MCAD/metric_fastners.scad>
use <gears.scad>
/*Oak = [0.65, 0.5, 0.4];*/ /*Oak = [0.65, 0.5, 0.4];*/
/*Pine = [0.85, 0.7, 0.45];*/ /*Pine = [0.85, 0.7, 0.45];*/
@ -19,6 +20,11 @@ use <MCAD/metric_fastners.scad>
/*Brass = [0.88, 0.78, 0.5];*/ /*Brass = [0.88, 0.78, 0.5];*/
/*Transparent = [1, 1, 1, 0.2];*/ /*Transparent = [1, 1, 1, 0.2];*/
//Gear material save holes
nholes = 9; // 7
holes_diam = 6;
hole_distance_from_center = 13.5-4.5+holes_diam/2;
// Activate to generate STL for the fully assembled machine // Activate to generate STL for the fully assembled machine
render_all_parts = false; render_all_parts = false;
@ -179,21 +185,65 @@ module stepperMotor(screwHeight=10, renderPart=false, echoPart=false) {
//if(echoPart) echo(str("BOM: Motor. Nema17")); // The motor library already outputs motor information //if(echoPart) echo(str("BOM: Motor. Nema17")); // The motor library already outputs motor information
} }
module cyclone_motor_gear(Gear_N_Teeth = 21, gearHeight=10, saveMaterial=false, tolerance=0) {
motor_rod_diam = 5/2+tolerance;
// TODO add support for gearHeight in the gears.scad
// Motor gear
union() difference() {
union() {
herringbone_gear( teeth=Gear_N_Teeth );
module motorGear(r=30,h=10,renderPart=false, echoPart=false) { translate( [0, 0, 12] ) mirror( [0, 0, 1] ) difference() {
renderStandardPart(renderPart) //shaft
cylinder(r=r,h=h) cylinder( r=9, h=15);
if(echoPart) echo(str("BOM: Gear. Motor.")); //captive nut and grub holes
translate( [0, 19.5, 3.5] ) rotate( [90, 0, 0] ) union() {
translate( [0, -3, 14.5] ) cube( [6, 6, 2.8], center=true );
translate( [0, 0, 14.5] ) rotate( [0, 0, 30] )
cylinder( r=6/2+0.5, h=2.8, $fn=6, center=true);
//grub hole
translate( [0, 0, 9] ) cylinder( r=3.3/2, h=10);
} }
module rodGear(r=30,h=10,renderPart=false, echoPart=false) { if(saveMaterial)
renderStandardPart(renderPart) for(i=[0:nholes-1])
cylinder(r=r,h=h) rotate( [0, 0, i*360/(nholes)+45])
if(echoPart) echo(str("BOM: Gear. Rod.")); translate( [hole_distance_from_center, 0] )
cylinder( r=holes_diam/2, h=11, center=true);
//shaft hole
translate( [0, 0, -6] ) cylinder( r=motor_rod_diam, h=20);
} }
module cyclone_rod_gear(Gear_N_Teeth = 21, gearHeight=10, nutSize = 8, saveMaterial=false, tolerance=0) {
nut_separation = METRIC_NUT_THICKNESS[nutSize]/2+tolerance;
nut_radius = METRIC_NUT_AC_WIDTHS[nutSize]/2+tolerance;
// TODO add support for gearHeight in the gears.scad
// Rod Gear
difference() {
union() {
rotate([180,0,0]) herringbone_gear( teeth=Gear_N_Teeth, circles=0, shaft=rod_diam);
rotate( [0, 0, i*360/(nholes)+45])
translate( [hole_distance_from_center, 0] )
cylinder( r=holes_diam/2, h=11, center=true);
translate( [0, 0, (nut_separation/2)] )
use <MCAD/bearing.scad> use <MCAD/bearing.scad>
module bearingHole(depth=3, thickness=10, model=608, tolerance=1) { module bearingHole(depth=3, thickness=10, model=608, tolerance=1) {