Improved animation functions

Carlos Garcia Saura 2014-07-08 22:33:47 +02:00
parent f875a6130e
commit 85bfa94444
2 changed files with 27 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -12,56 +12,62 @@ use <libs/obiscad/bcube.scad>
use <libs/standard_parts.scad>
use <libs/hole_for_screw.scad>
// Functions for animations. Quick and dirty implementation, will need some cleanup
animated_parts_number = 10;
animated_timePerPart = 1/animated_parts_number;
function animationBump(tbegin,tend,t=$t%1) = ((t >= tbegin) && (t <= tend)) ? (1+sin((t-tbegin)*360/(tend-tbegin)-90)) : 0;
function animatePart(n,dist=30,overlap=animated_timePerPart*0.25) = dist*animationBump((n-1)*animated_timePerPart-overlap,n*animated_timePerPart+overlap);
// Parameters for the bottom base
base_size_X = 304.8+50*(1+sin(0.5*$t*360));
base_size_Y = 261.62+50*(1+sin(0.5*$t*360));
base_size_X = 304.8+animatePart(1,overlap=0);
base_size_Y = 261.62+animatePart(2);
base_thickness = 8;
base_corner_radius = 20;
base_corner_res = 0;
// Parameters for the axes sizes
axes_Xsmooth_rodLen = 265+50*(1+sin(0.5*$t*360));
axes_Ysmooth_rodLen = 240+50*(1+sin(0.5*$t*360));
axes_Zsmooth_rodLen = 100+50*(1+sin(0.5*$t*360));
axes_Xsmooth_rodLen = 265+animatePart(1,overlap=0);
axes_Ysmooth_rodLen = 240+animatePart(2);
axes_Zsmooth_rodLen = 100+animatePart(3);
axes_Xthreaded_rodLen = axes_Xsmooth_rodLen+50;
axes_Ythreaded_rodLen = axes_Ysmooth_rodLen-50;
axes_Zthreaded_rodLen = axes_Zsmooth_rodLen+50;
axes_Xsmooth_rodD = 8.5;
axes_Ysmooth_rodD = 8.5;
axes_Zsmooth_rodD = 8.5;
axes_Xsmooth_rodD = 8.5+animatePart(4,dist=5);
axes_Ysmooth_rodD = 8.5+animatePart(4,dist=5);
axes_Zsmooth_rodD = 8.5+animatePart(4,dist=5);
axes_Xthreaded_rodD = 8;
axes_Ythreaded_rodD = 8;
axes_Zthreaded_rodD = 8;
axes_Xthreaded_rodD = 8+animatePart(4,dist=5);
axes_Ythreaded_rodD = 8+animatePart(4,dist=5);
axes_Zthreaded_rodD = 8+animatePart(4,dist=5);
// Parameters for the axes reference position
// Note: The reference coordinates are centered like this:
// Y axis reference is the Y smooth rod end, BACK of RIGHT FRAME
// X axis reference is the frontal X smooth rod end, RIGHT FRAME
// Z axis reference is the Z threaded rod, at the height of the Z nut, and relative to the X reference
axes_Yreference_height = 30;
axes_Xreference_height = 60; // relative to Y reference
axes_Zreference_height = 45; // relative to X reference
axes_Yreference_height = 30+animatePart(5);
axes_Xreference_height = 60+animatePart(6); // relative to Y reference
axes_Zreference_height = 45+animatePart(7)+animatePart(9); // relative to X reference
axes_Xreference_posY = -70; // relative to Y reference. Moves the X axis towards the front of the machine
axes_Xreference_posY = -70-animatePart(8)-animatePart(9); // relative to Y reference. Moves the X axis towards the front of the machine
axes_Zreference_posY = 15; // relative to X reference. Positions Z nut between the Y rods
axes_Y_threaded_height = 25;
axes_Y_threaded_height = 25+animatePart(5);
axes_Ysmooth_separation = 180+50*(1+sin(0.5*$t*360));
axes_Xsmooth_separation = 40;
axes_Zsmooth_separation = 35;
axes_Ysmooth_separation = 180+animatePart(1,overlap=0);
axes_Xsmooth_separation = 40+animatePart(9);
axes_Zsmooth_separation = 35+animatePart(10,overlap=0);
// Carriage positions (for rendering)
axes_Xcarriage_pos = axes_Xsmooth_rodLen/2+sin($t*360)*axes_Xsmooth_rodLen/3;
axes_Ycarriage_pos = axes_Ysmooth_rodLen/2+sin($t*360)*axes_Ysmooth_rodLen/3;
axes_Zcarriage_pos = axes_Zsmooth_rodLen/3+sin(5*$t*360)*axes_Zsmooth_rodLen/4;
axes_Zcarriage_pos = axes_Zsmooth_rodLen/3+sin($t*360)*axes_Zsmooth_rodLen/4;

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@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
module Cyclone_X_carriage() {
color("lightblue") translate([-(axes_Zsmooth_separation+10)/2,-5,-5])