2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
# Carlosgs (http://carlosgs.es)
# Attribution - Share Alike - Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
# This software is provided "as is", and you use the software at your own risk. Under no
# circumstances shall Carlosgs be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or
# consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this software,
# even if Carlosgs has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
# Begin configuration
from configuration import * # load settings
# End configuration
# Begin modules
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from misc import *
import CycloneHost.GcodeViewer as gcv
import CycloneHost.Controller as cy
from CycloneHost.helper import *
# End modules
def probingResults(): # quick and dirty temporal code
global Z_workbed_surface, x_points, y_points
# Load the Z data file
Z_probing_data = loadFromFile(Z_PROBING_FILE)
x_points = Z_probing_data['x_points']
y_points = Z_probing_data['y_points']
probe_result = Z_probing_data['probe_result']
probe_duration = Z_probing_data['probe_duration']
# Must be converted into arrays to use scipy
x_points = np.array(x_points)
y_points = np.array(y_points)
probe_result = np.array(probe_result)
# Setup interpolation object
Z_workbed_surface = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(y_points, x_points, probe_result)
# Evaluate the interpolation in a 50x50 grid for display
x_points = np.linspace(min(x_points),max(x_points),50)
y_points = np.linspace(min(y_points),max(y_points),50)
z_points = Z_workbed_surface(y_points,x_points)
# This will show the Z probing result behind the actual PCB layout, for reference
z_cf = plt.pcolor(x_points, y_points, z_points, alpha=0.2, cmap=cm.copper, edgecolors='k', linewidths=0) # Show Z probing height, with a light-tone colormap
plt.axis('equal') # 1:1 aspect ratio
def getZoffset(x,y): # Returns the offset using interpolation
return Z_workbed_surface(y,x)[0][0]
plt.ion() # IMPORTANT: Enable real-time plotting
gcodeviewer = pltNewFig() # Define a new figure, this doesnt open a window by itself (real-time plotting disabled)
# Load the probing results (this will plot the copper level in the background too)
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
#print("Must be zero, otherwise the interpolation is wrong!: " + floats(getZoffset(0,0)))
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
# Display the Gcode that is going to be etched
2013-11-04 07:20:35 +07:00
(etch_moves, travel_moves, gcode_minXY, gcode_maxXY) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,0,showEtch,showEtch2,showEtch3,showDrill,showEdge)
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
#(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showEtch1=1)
#(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showEtch2=1)
#(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showDrill=1)
#(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showEdge=1)
(boardSizeX,boardSizeY,gcode_minXY_global, gcode_maxXY_global) = gcv.boardSize(filePath,fileName)
# Show delimiter rectangle
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
#x_dat = [gcode_minXY_global[0],gcode_minXY_global[0],gcode_maxXY_global[0],gcode_maxXY_global[0],gcode_minXY_global[0]]
#y_dat = [gcode_minXY_global[1],gcode_maxXY_global[1],gcode_maxXY_global[1],gcode_minXY_global[1],gcode_minXY_global[1]]
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
pltRefresh(gcodeviewer) # Draw the figure contents, still no window
pltShow() # Open the window showing our figure
toolPos_point = []
def toolPos_draw(x, y, etching=0):
if etching:
color = 'r'
color = 'g'
toolPos_point.set_data(x, y)
toolRefreshSteps = 1
toolRefresh = 0
def toolPos_refresh(x, y, etching=0):
global toolRefresh
if toolRefresh >= toolRefreshSteps:
toolPos_draw(toolPos_X, toolPos_Y, etching)
toolRefresh = 0
toolRefresh = toolRefresh + 1
def drawTool(x, y):
global toolPos_point
toolPos_point, = plt.plot(0, 0, markersize=12, c='g', marker='x')
cy.connect(BAUDRATE, DEVICE, Emulate)
cy.sendCommand("G90\n") # Set absolute positioning
cy.homeZXY() # Home all the axis
drawTool(10, 20) # Show a marker on the gcode plot
# Move to the origin of the grid
cy.moveXY(x_points[0], y_points[0], F_fastMove)
# Warning: Do not lower too much or you will potentially cause damage!
initial_Z_lowering_distance = -10
cy.moveZrelSafe(initial_Z_lowering_distance,F_slowMove) # Move Z towards the PCB (saves some probing time for the first coord)
Z_origin_offset = cy.probeZ()
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
print("Z offset: " + str(Z_origin_offset) )
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
toolPos_X = 0
toolPos_Y = 0
toolPos_Z = 0
toolPos_F = F_fastMove
X_dest = 0
Y_dest = 0
Z_dest = 0
F_dest = F_fastMove
# Move Z up 5mm, once we have the Z=0 reference. We will then pause to allow user remove electrodes and turn on the spindle
toolPos_Z = 5
def splitLongEtchMove(distance):
global toolPos_X, toolPos_Y, toolPos_Z, toolPos_F, X_dest, Y_dest, Z_dest, F_dest
X_dest_tmp = toolPos_X
Y_dest_tmp = toolPos_Y
Z_dest_tmp = toolPos_Z
F_dest_tmp = toolPos_Z
#distance = distance**0.5 # [mm]
N_steps = int((distance/maxDistance)**0.5) # **must be** >= 1
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
print("Splitting " + str(distance**0.5) + "mm segment into " + str(N_steps) + " steps")
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
# print("Orig: " + (toolPos_X,toolPos_Y,toolPos_Z) + " Dest: " + (X_dest, Y_dest, Z_dest))
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
X_step = (X_dest-toolPos_X)/float(N_steps)
Y_step = (Y_dest-toolPos_Y)/float(N_steps)
Z_step = (Z_dest-toolPos_Z)/float(N_steps)
F_step = (F_dest-toolPos_F)/float(N_steps)
for i in range(N_steps) :
X_dest_tmp = toolPos_X + X_step
Y_dest_tmp = toolPos_Y + Y_step
Z_dest_tmp = toolPos_Z + Z_step
F_dest_tmp = toolPos_F + F_step
Z_real = Z_dest_tmp+Z_origin_offset+getZoffset(X_dest_tmp, Y_dest_tmp)+Z_global_offset
cy.moveXYZ(X_dest_tmp, Y_dest_tmp, Z_real, F_dest_tmp)
toolPos_refresh(X_dest_tmp, Y_dest_tmp, etching=1)
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
# print("Move: " + (X_dest_tmp, Y_dest_tmp, Z_dest_tmp) )
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
toolPos_X = X_dest_tmp
toolPos_Y = Y_dest_tmp
toolPos_Z = Z_dest_tmp
toolPos_F = F_dest_tmp
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
print("Turn on the spindle and press enter to begin...")
val = sys.stdin.readline()
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
def doPath(X_offset=0, Y_offset=0):
global toolPos_X, toolPos_Y, toolPos_Z, toolPos_F, X_dest, Y_dest, Z_dest, F_dest
for path in etch_moves :
toolRefresh = 0
toolPos_draw(toolPos_X, toolPos_Y, etching=0)
cy.moveZ(Z_origin_offset+getZoffset(X_dest, Y_dest)+Z_global_offset+Zlift_milling,F_fastMove) # Raise and move to next point
X_dest = path[0][0]+X_offset
Y_dest = path[0][1]+Y_offset
F_dest = F_fastMove
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
print(" Traveling to: " + str([X_dest, Y_dest]) + " at Z:" + str(Z_global_offset+Zlift_milling) )
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
cy.moveXY(X_dest, Y_dest, F_dest)
toolPos_draw(X_dest, Y_dest, etching=0)
Z_dest = path[0][2]
if Z_dest > 0:
F_dest = F_slowMove
F_dest = path[0][3] # We set the original speed if it is etching/drill
cy.moveZ(Z_dest+Z_origin_offset+getZoffset(X_dest, Y_dest)+Z_global_offset,F_dest)
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
# print("Speed:",F_dest)
print(" Etching at Z: " + str(Z_dest+Z_global_offset) )
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
toolPos_X = X_dest
toolPos_Y = Y_dest
toolPos_Z = Z_dest # Not sure..
toolPos_F = F_dest
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
# print(path)
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
for coord in path[1:] :
X_dest = coord[0]+X_offset
Y_dest = coord[1]+Y_offset
Z_dest = coord[2]
F_dest = coord[3]
distance = (X_dest-toolPos_X)**2+(Y_dest-toolPos_Y)**2
if distance >= maxDistance :
if distance < minDistance and (Z_dest-toolPos_Z)**2 < 0.001**2 : # Make sure it is not a Z movement
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
print("Ignoring " + str(distance**0.5) + "mm segment!")
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
Z_real = Z_dest+Z_origin_offset+getZoffset(X_dest, Y_dest)+Z_global_offset
cy.moveXYZ(X_dest, Y_dest, Z_real, F_dest)
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
# print("Coords: Speed: " + str(F_dest))
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00
toolPos_refresh(X_dest, Y_dest, etching=1)
toolPos_X = X_dest
toolPos_Y = Y_dest
toolPos_Z = Z_dest
toolPos_F = F_dest
# Panelizing supported!
for x_i in range(N_copies_X):
for y_i in range(N_copies_Y):
doPath(x_i*(boardSizeX+margin_copies_X), y_i*(boardSizeY+margin_copies_Y))
cy.homeZXY() # It is important to send a blocking command in the end
cy.close() # Close the connection with Cyclone
2013-07-29 03:57:16 +07:00
print("Done. Press enter to exit...")
val = sys.stdin.readline()
2013-07-28 16:17:22 +07:00