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2013-06-13 04:30:55 +07:00
<title>pyRepRap v0.1 Documentation</title>
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<h1>pyRepRap v0.1 Documentation</h1>
pyRepRap requires <a href="">pySerial</a> installed for this module to work. If you are using Fedora it is available on yum (run "sudo yum install pyserial").<br><br>
<b>pyRepRap</b> is a python module that provides full control over the RepRap hardware.
It is not intened as a replacement for the Java host software and I do not intend on writing any FDM code for the library.
It is instead intended for anyone wanting to experiment with the RepRap hardware and find other uses for it. e.g. Plotting, 3D scanning, botany, electronics manufacture etc.<br>
The reprap.cartesian object should provide most of the commands required, however the lower level reprap.cartesian.[axis] commands have been made available individual control of the axies is required.<br>
<font color="FF0000"><h3>WARNING : The extruder code is experimental and incomplete, it will not accurately control the temperature and it is not reconmented that you activate the heater using this module.</h3></font>
<p>This example moves the RepRap to the home position, then to several locations, then back to the home position.</p>
import serial, reprap, time # Import the reprap and pySerial modules.
reprap.serial = serial.Serial(0, 19200, timeout = reprap.snap.messageTimeout) # Initialise serial port, here the first port (0) is used. = True # These devices are present in network, will automatically scan in the future. = True = True = True
# The module is now ready to recieve commands #
moveSpeed = 200
reprap.cartesian.homeReset( moveSpeed, True ) # Send all axies to home position. Wait until arrival. (1000, 1000, 0), moveSpeed, True ) # Seek to (1000, 1000, 0). Wait until arrival.
time.sleep(2) # Pause. (500, 1000, 0), moveSpeed, True ) # Seek to (500, 1000, 0). Wait until arrival.
time.sleep(2) (1000, 500, 0), moveSpeed, True ) # Seek to (1000, 500, 0). Wait until arrival.
time.sleep(2) (100, 100, 0), moveSpeed, True ) # Seek to (100, 100, 0). Wait until arrival.
reprap.cartesian.homeReset( moveSpeed, True ) # Send all axies to home position. Wait until arrival. # Shut off power to all motors.
<p>This example can be found in<br>
Further use of the module is demonstrated in</p>
<h2>Cartesian Commands</h2>
<h3>Home Reset</h3>
<p>Go to home position and set position counter to 0 (all axies)<br>
<b>reprap.cartesian.homeReset( speed, waitArrival )</b><br>
<ul><li><i>speed</i> - Speed to seek at. (0 - 255)</li>
<li><i>waitArrival</i> - If true then function will not return until the axis has reached its destination, if false the function will return once the command has been sent. (True / False)</li>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<p>Seek to location (all axies)<br>
<b> pos, speed, waitArrival )</b><br>
<ul><li><i>pos</i> - Position to seek to. Turple (x, y, z)</li>
<li><i>speed</i> - Speed to seek at. (0 - 255)</li>
<li><i>waitArrival</i> - If true then function will not return until the axis has reached its destination, if false the function will return once the command has been sent. (True / False)</li>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<h3>Get Position</h3>
<p>Get position counters for all axies<br>
Returns: Turple (x, y, z)<br></p>
<p>Stop all motors<br>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<p>Power off all motors<br>
Returns: Nothing
<h2>Axis Commands</h2>
Replace [axis] with x, y or z. e.g. reprap.x.forward(100)
<h3>Forward 1</h3>
<p>Move axis one step forward<br>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<h3>Backward 1</h3>
<p>Move axis one step backward<br>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<p>Rotate motor forwards at given speed<br>
<b>reprap.cartesian.[axis].forward( speed )</b><br>
<ul><li><i>speed</i> - Speed to rotate at. (0 - 255)</li></ul>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<p>Rotate motor backwards at given speed<br>
<b>reprap.cartesian.[axis].backward( speed )</b><br>
<ul><li><i>speed</i> - Speed to rotate at. (0 - 255)</li></ul>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<h3>Get Sensors (Debug only)</h3>
<p>Get port information<br>
Returns: PortA, PortB<br></p>
<h3>Get Position</h3>
<p>Get position counter for axis<br>
Returns: Position<br></p>
<h3>Set Position</h3>
<p>Set position counter (set variable not robot position)<br>
<b>reprap.cartesian.[axis].setPos( pos )</b><br>
<ul><li><i>pos</i> - Position (16bit max?)</li></ul>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<p>Power off motor<br>
Returns: Nothing
<p>Seek to location<br>
<b>reprap.cartesian.[axis].seek( pos, speed, waitArrival )</b><br>
<ul><li><i>pos</i> - Position to seek to</li>
<li><i>speed</i> - Speed to seek at. (0 - 255)</li>
<li><i>waitArrival</i> - If true then function will not return until the axis has reached its destination, if false the function will return once the command has been sent. (True / False)</li>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<h3>Home Reset</h3>
<p>Go to home position and set position counter to 0<br>
<b>reprap.cartesian.[axis].homeReset( speed, waitArrival )</b><br>
<ul><li><i>speed</i> - Speed to seek at. (0 - 255)</li>
<li><i>waitArrival</i> - If true then function will not return until the axis has reached its destination, if false the function will return once the command has been sent. (True / False)</li>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<h2>Extruder Commands (Incomplete)</h2>
<h3>Get Module Type</h3>
<p>Get module type from PIC. #do pics not support this yet? I can't see it in code and get no reply from pic<br>
Returns: Module Type. (0 - 255)
<h3>Get Module Version</h3>
<p>Get Firmware Version from PIC<br>
Returns: Major Version, Minor Version.
<h3>Set Motor</h3>
<p>Set extruder motor rotating in given direction and speed<br>
<b>rreprap.extruder.setMotor( direction, speed )</b><br>
<ul><li><i>direction</i> - Direction to rotate in. (reprap.CMD_FORWARD / reprap.CMD_REVERSE)</li>
<li><i>speed</i> - Speed to turn at. (0 - 255)</li>
Returns: Nothing<br></p>
<h3>Get Temperature</h3>
<p>Get <br>
reprap.extruder.setHeat(lowHeat, highHeat, tempTarget, tempMax):