2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
# Carlosgs (http://carlosgs.es)
# Attribution - Share Alike - Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)
# This software is provided "as is", and you use the software at your own risk. Under no
# circumstances shall Carlosgs be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or
# consequential damages resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this software,
# even if Carlosgs has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
# Begin configuration
BAUDRATE = 115200
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
DEVICE = "/dev/ttyUSB2"
2013-05-30 18:44:30 +07:00
Emulate = 1
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
# End configuration
# Begin modules
import sys
from datetime import datetime
import time
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import GcodeViewer as gcv
import CycloneHost as cy
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
from helper import *
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
# End modules
filePath = "../GcodeGenerators/pyGerber2Gcode_CUI/out/"
fileName = "printshield" # sys.argv[1]
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
def pltShowNonBlocking():
#plt.ion() # Enable real-time plotting to avoid blocking behaviour for plt.show()
#plt.ioff() # Disable real-time plotting
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
def pltNewFig():
fig = plt.figure()
return fig
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
def pltSetFig(fig):
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
def pltRefresh(fig):
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
def pltShow():
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
def probingResults(): # quick and dirty temporal code
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
global Z_workbed_surface
x_points = [0.0, 12.272727272727273, 24.545454545454547, 36.81818181818182, 49.09090909090909, 61.36363636363637, 73.63636363636364, 85.9090909090909, 98.18181818181819, 110.45454545454547, 122.72727272727273, 135.0]
y_points = [0.0, 16.8, 33.6, 50.400000000000006, 67.2, 84.0]
probe_result = [[0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.53, 0.58, 0.6, 0.56, 0.53, 0.5, 0.44, 0.33, 0.2], [-0.03, 0.07, 0.16, 0.26, 0.32, 0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0.29, 0.23, 0.15, 0.05], [-0.07, 0.0, 0.05, 0.12, 0.16, 0.2, 0.2, 0.22, 0.2, 0.16, 0.08, 0.0], [-0.07, -0.03, 0.04, 0.11, 0.15, 0.19, 0.2, 0.22, 0.22, 0.19, 0.11, 0.04], [0.0, 0.04, 0.08, 0.19, 0.23, 0.29, 0.33, 0.36, 0.37, 0.32, 0.2, 0.11], [0.13, 0.2, 0.27, 0.37, 0.44, 0.51, 0.55, 0.61, 0.64, 0.55, 0.41, 0.22]]
duration = 346.076061
# Show our grid
# print "--- Probing results ---"
# print "-> X points:", x_points
# print "-> Y points:", y_points
# print "-> Grid:", probe_result
# print "-> Duration:", duration
# Must be converted into arrays to use scipy
x_points = np.array(x_points)
y_points = np.array(y_points)
probe_result = np.array(probe_result)
# plt.figure()
# plt.pcolor(x_points, y_points, probe_result)
# plt.colorbar()
# plt.title("Z probing results [mm]")
# plt.axis('equal') # 1:1 aspect ratio
# pltShowNonBlocking()
# Interpolation
Z_workbed_surface = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(y_points, x_points, probe_result)
x_points = np.linspace(min(x_points),max(x_points),100)
y_points = np.linspace(min(y_points),max(y_points),100)
z_points = Z_workbed_surface(y_points,x_points)
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
# plt.figure()
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
plt.pcolor(x_points, y_points, z_points)
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
# plt.title("Z probing results (interpolated) [mm]")
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
plt.axis('equal') # 1:1 aspect ratio
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
# pltShowNonBlocking()
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
def getZoffset(x,y):
return Z_workbed_surface(y,x)[0][0]
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
plt.ion() # IMPORTANT: Enable real-time plotting
gcodeviewer = pltNewFig() # Define a new figure, this doesnt open a window by itself
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
print "Must be zero:",floats(getZoffset(0,0))
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
# Display the Gcode that is going to be etched
(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showEtch=1)
#(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showEtch1=1)
#(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showEtch2=1)
#(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showDrill=1)
#(etch_moves, travel_moves) = gcv.view(filePath,fileName,showEdge=1)
pltRefresh(gcodeviewer) # Draw the figure contents, still no window
pltShow() # Open the window showing our figure
toolPos_point = []
def toolPos_draw(x, y, etching=0):
if etching:
color = 'r'
color = 'g'
toolPos_point.set_data(x, y)
toolRefreshSteps = 1
toolRefresh = 0
def toolPos_refresh(x, y, etching=0):
global toolRefresh
if toolRefresh >= toolRefreshSteps:
toolPos_draw(toolPos_X, toolPos_Y, etching)
toolRefresh = 0
toolRefresh = toolRefresh + 1
def drawTool(x, y):
global toolPos_point
toolPos_point, = plt.plot(0, 0, markersize=12, c='g', marker='x')
F_slowMove = 200 # Move speed [mm/min]
F_fastMove = 700
F_drillMove = 50
F_edgeMove = 25
F_etchMove = 100
cy.connect(BAUDRATE, DEVICE, Emulate)
cy.sendCommand("G90\n") # Set absolute positioning
cy.homeZXY() # Home all the axis
drawTool(10, 20) # Show a marker on the gcode plot
# Warning: Do not lower too much or you will potentially cause damage!
initial_Z_lowering_distance = -20
cy.moveZrelSafe(initial_Z_lowering_distance,F_slowMove/2) # Move Z towards the PCB (saves some probing time for the first coord)
Z_origin_offset = cy.probeZ()
print "Z offset:", Z_origin_offset
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
toolPos_X = 0
toolPos_Y = 0
toolPos_Z = 0
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
toolPos_F = F_fastMove
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
X_dest = 0
Y_dest = 0
Z_dest = 0
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
F_dest = F_fastMove
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
toolPos_Z = 5
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
Zlift = 1.0
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
Z_manual_offset = 0.0
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
maxDistance = 2**2 # [mm^2] 3mm (longer moves will be split to regulate Z)
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
minDistance = 0.005**2 # [mm^2] 0.005mm is the smallest distance that will be sent
def splitLongEtchMove(distance):
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
global toolPos_X, toolPos_Y, toolPos_Z, toolPos_F, X_dest, Y_dest, Z_dest, F_dest
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
X_dest_tmp = toolPos_X
Y_dest_tmp = toolPos_Y
Z_dest_tmp = toolPos_Z
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
F_dest_tmp = toolPos_Z
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
#distance = distance**0.5 # [mm]
N_steps = int((distance/maxDistance)**0.5) # **must be** >= 1
print "Splitting", distance**0.5, "mm segment into", N_steps, "steps"
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
# print "Orig:", toolPos_X, toolPos_Y, toolPos_Z, "Dest:", X_dest, Y_dest, Z_dest
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
X_step = (X_dest-toolPos_X)/float(N_steps)
Y_step = (Y_dest-toolPos_Y)/float(N_steps)
Z_step = (Z_dest-toolPos_Z)/float(N_steps)
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
F_step = (F_dest-toolPos_F)/float(N_steps)
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
for i in range(N_steps) :
X_dest_tmp = toolPos_X + X_step
Y_dest_tmp = toolPos_Y + Y_step
Z_dest_tmp = toolPos_Z + Z_step
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
F_dest_tmp = toolPos_F + F_step
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
Z_real = Z_dest_tmp+Z_origin_offset+getZoffset(X_dest_tmp, Y_dest_tmp)+Z_manual_offset
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
cy.moveXYZ(X_dest_tmp, Y_dest_tmp, Z_real, F_dest_tmp)
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
toolPos_refresh(X_dest_tmp, Y_dest_tmp, etching=1)
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
# print "Move:",X_dest_tmp, Y_dest_tmp, Z_dest_tmp
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
toolPos_X = X_dest_tmp
toolPos_Y = Y_dest_tmp
toolPos_Z = Z_dest_tmp
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
toolPos_F = F_dest_tmp
raw_input("Turn on the spindle and press enter to begin...")
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
for path in etch_moves :
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
toolRefresh = 0
toolPos_draw(toolPos_X, toolPos_Y, etching=0)
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
cy.moveZ(Z_origin_offset+getZoffset(X_dest, Y_dest)+Z_manual_offset+Zlift,F_fastMove) # Raise and move to next point
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
X_dest = path[0][0]
Y_dest = path[0][1]
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
F_dest = F_fastMove
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
print " Traveling to:", str([X_dest, Y_dest]), "at Z:", Z_manual_offset+Zlift
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
cy.moveXY(X_dest, Y_dest, F_dest)
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
toolPos_draw(X_dest, Y_dest, etching=0)
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
Z_dest = path[0][2]
if Z_dest > 0:
F_dest = F_slowMove
F_dest = path[0][3] # We set the original speed if it is etching/drill
cy.moveZ(Z_dest+Z_origin_offset+getZoffset(X_dest, Y_dest)+Z_manual_offset,F_dest)
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
# print "Speed:",F_dest
print " Etching at Z:",Z_dest+Z_manual_offset
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
toolPos_X = X_dest
toolPos_Y = Y_dest
toolPos_Z = Z_dest # Not sure..
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
toolPos_F = F_dest
# print path
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
for coord in path[1:] :
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
X_dest = coord[0]
Y_dest = coord[1]
Z_dest = coord[2]
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
F_dest = coord[3]
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
distance = (X_dest-toolPos_X)**2+(Y_dest-toolPos_Y)**2
if distance >= maxDistance :
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
if distance < minDistance and (Z_dest-toolPos_Z)**2 < 0.001**2 : # Make sure it is not a Z movement
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
print "Ignoring", distance**0.5, "mm segment!"
Z_real = Z_dest+Z_origin_offset+getZoffset(X_dest, Y_dest)+Z_manual_offset
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
cy.moveXYZ(X_dest, Y_dest, Z_real, F_dest)
2013-06-01 00:51:06 +07:00
# print "Coords: Speed:",F_dest
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
toolPos_refresh(X_dest, Y_dest, etching=1)
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
toolPos_X = X_dest
toolPos_Y = Y_dest
toolPos_Z = Z_dest
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
toolPos_F = F_dest
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-05-31 05:41:43 +07:00
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
cy.close() # Close the serial port connection
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00
2013-05-30 06:42:34 +07:00
raw_input("Done. Press enter to exit...")
2013-05-30 04:35:02 +07:00