
27 lines
672 B

% Constructing a graph from a given degree sequence: deterministic
% Note: This is the Havel-Hakimi algorithm.
% Inputs: a graphic degree sequence, [d1,d2, ... dn],
% where di is the degree of the ith node
% Outputs: adjacency matrix, nxn
% GB: last updated, Oct 21 2012
function adj = graphFromDegreeSequence(seq)
adj = zeros(length(seq));
while sum(seq)>0 % while there are still stubs to connect
% order stubs by decreasing number of degrees left
[sorted,I] = sort(-seq);
n1 = I(1);
for x=1:-sorted(1)
n2 = I(x+1);
adj(n1,n2)= adj(n1,n2)+1;
adj(n2,n1)= adj(n2,n1)+1;
seq(n1) = seq(n1)-1;
seq(n2) = seq(n2)-1;