85 lines
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85 lines
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% Implements the network growth model from: Fabrikant et al,
% "Heuristically Optimized Trade-offs: A New Paradigm
% for Power Laws in the Internet"
% Note: Assumes the central point (root) to be the one closest to (0,0)
% INPUTS: n - number of points, parameter alpha, [0,inf),
% plt='on'/'off', if [], then 'off' is default
% OUTPUTS: generated network (adjacency matrix) and plot [optional]
% GB: last updated: November 14, 2012
function [adj,p]=fabrikantModel(n,alpha,plt)
% create random point (polar) coordinates
p = zeros(n,2);
rad = rand(1,n);
theta = 2*pi*rand(1,n);
for i=1:n; p(i,:) = rad(i)*[cos(theta(i)),sin(theta(i))]; end
norms = [];
for pp=1:length(p); norms = [norms; norm(p(pp,:))]; end
p = p(Y,:);
clear norms rad theta
h=zeros(n,1); % initialize centrality function
adj=zeros(n); % initialize adjacency matrix
adjL = pdist2(p,p,'euclidean'); % compute all point-to-point distances
% compute centrality function based from p(1,:)
h = adjL(1,:);
for i=2:n % a new point arrives at each iteration
% compute min weight across all existing points
for j=1:i-1; d=[d; alpha*norm(p(i,:)-p(j,:)) + h(j)]; end
adj(i,indmin)=1; adj(indmin,i)=1;
if nargin<=2 || not(strcmp(plt,'on')); return; end
for i=1:n
axis off
%plot(p(i,1),p(i,2),'.','Color',[0.5,0.5,0.5]); hold off; hold on; % plot the new point
for j=i+1:n
if adj(i,j)>0
line([p(i,1) p(j,1)],[p(i,2) p(j,2)],'Color',[0.5,0.5,0.5])
hold off; hold on;
function L = pdist2(x,y,distance);
% L is the matrix of distances between
% all members of x to all members of y
% distance type can be defined differently,
% but for the purposes of this routine it
% is 'euclidean'
if not(strcmp(distance,'euclidean'));
print('no other distance than euclidean implemented yet\n');
L = zeros(size(x,1),size(y,1));
for xx=1:size(x,1)
for yy=1:size(y,1)
L(xx,yy) = norm(x(xx,:)-y(yy,:));
end |