% Making an edge list (representation of a graph) symmetric, % i.e. if [n1,n2] is in the edge list, so is [n2,n1]. % % INPUTs: edge list, mx3 % OUTPUTs: symmetrized edge list, mx3 % % GB: last updated, October 3, 2012 function el=symmetrizeEdgeL(el) el2=[el(:,1), el(:,2)]; for e=1:size(el,1) ind=ismember(el2,[el2(e,2),el2(e,1)],'rows'); if sum(ind)==0; el=[el; el(e,2), el(e,1), el(e,3)]; end end % Alternative: Using the adjacency matrix % adj=edgeL2adj(el); % adj=symmetrize(adj); % el=adj2edgeL(adj);