% The sum of products of degrees across all edges. % Source: "Towards a Theory of Scale-Free Graphs: Definition, Properties, and Implications", by Li, Alderson, Doyle, Willinger % Note: The total degree is used regardless of whether the graph is directed or not. % % INPUTs: adjacency matrix, nxn % OUTPUTs: s-metric % % Other routines used: degrees.m % GB: last updated, Oct 1 2012 function s=sMetric(adj) [deg,~,~]=degrees(adj); edges=find(adj>0); s=0; for e=1:length(edges) [i,j]=ind2sub([length(adj),length(adj)],edges(e)); s=s+deg(i)*deg(j); end % ALTERNATIVE .................... % [deg,~,~]=degrees(adj); % el=adj2edgeL(adj); % % s=0; % for e=1:size(el,1) % if el(e,1)==el(e,2) % s=s+deg(el(e,1))*deg(el(e,2))*el(e,3)*2; % count self-loops twice % else % s=s+deg(el(e,1))*deg(el(e,2))*el(e,3); % multiply by the weight for edges with weights % end % end % ................................