% Compute the rich club metric for a graph. % Source: Colizza, Flammini, Serrano, Vespignani, % "Detecting rich-club ordering in complex networks", % Nature Physics, vol 2, Feb 2006 % % INPUTs: adjacency matrix, nxn, k - threshold number of links % OUTPUTs: rich club metric % % Other routines used: degrees.m, subgraph.m, numEdges.m % GB: last updated, October 1, 2012 function phi=richClubMetric(adj,k) [deg,~,~]=degrees(adj); Nk=find(deg>=k); % find the nodes with degree > k if isempty(Nk); phi = 0; return; end adjk=subgraph(adj,Nk); phi=2*numEdges(adjk)/(length(Nk)*(length(Nk)-1));