% Based on: Sales-Pardo et al, "Extracting the hierarchical organization % of complex systems", PNAS, Sep 25, 2007; vol.104; no.39 % Supplementary material: % http://www.pnas.org/content/suppl/2008/02/27/0703740104.DC1/07-03740SItext.pdf % % INPUTs: N: number of nodes; L: number of hierarchy levels; % [G1,G2,..,GL]: number of nodes in each group in each level % kbar: average degree, % rho [optional]: ratio between average degrees at different levels % (see supplementary material) % Example inputs (from paper): N=640, L=3, G=[10,40,160], kbar=16, rho=1 % OUTPUTs: edge list, in mx2 or mx3 format, where m = number of edges % % Other routines used: symmetrizeEdgeL.m % GB: last updated, November 24 2012 function eL = nestedHierarchiesModel(N,L,G,kbar,rho) % first check whether the inputs are of the right size/type if length(G)~=L; printf('The number of levels do not match. length(G) should be L'); return; end for x=2:L if G(x)/G(x-1)~=ceil(G(x)/G(x-1)); printf('number of groups not an integer at level %2i\n',x); return ; end end if N/G(L)~=ceil(N/G(L)); printf('number of groups not an integer at level %2i\n',L); return ; end % formula on page 3 of supplementary material if nargin<5; rho = kbar/(G(L)-1) - 1 + 0.05; end; % set to lower bound if rho < kbar/(G(L)-1) - 1; printf('rho is below its theoretical lower bound, given kbar and G(L)\n'); return; end % .......................................................... % create node membership to various nested groups belongsto = {}; for ii=1:N; belongsto{ii} = zeros(1,L); end % the level 1, 2, 3,... groups ii belongs to for ii=1:N % across all nodes for level = 1:L % across all levels group = (ii-mod(ii,G(level)))/G(level) + 1; if mod(ii,G(level))==0; group -= 1; end belongsto{ii}(level) = group; end end % .......................................................... eL = []; for i=1:N for j=i+1:N x = sum( belongsto{i}==belongsto{j} ); % number of common groups i and j belong to if x==0 pij = (rho/(1+rho))^(L-x) * kbar / (N - G(1)); else pij = rho^(L-x)/(1+rho)^(L-x+1) * kbar/(G(x)-1); end if rand < pij; eL = [eL; i j 1]; end end end eL = symmetrizeEdgeL(eL);