% Compute the link density of a graph, defined as the number of edges divided by % number_of_nodes(number_of_nodes-1)/2 where the latter is the maximum possible number of edges. % % Inputs: adjacency matrix, nxn % Outputs: link density, a float between 0 and 1 % % Note 1: The graph has to be non-trivial (more than 1 node). % Note 2: Routine works for both directed and undirected graphs. % % Other routines used: numNodes.m, numEdges.m, isDirected.m % GB: last update Sep 19, 2012 function d=linkDensity(adj) n = numNodes(adj); coeff = 2; if isDirected(adj); coeff = 1; end d = coeff*numEdges(adj)/(n*(n-1));