% Draw a circular representation of a graph with the nodes ordered by degree % Strategy: position vertices in a regular n-polygon % % INPUTs: adj, nxn - adjacency matrix % OUTPUTs: plot % % Other routines used: degrees.m % GB: last updated, Nov 29 2012 function [] = drawCircGraph(adj) n = size(adj,1); % number of nodes [~, Y] = sort(degrees(adj)); % Y - sorted nodal indices angl = 2*pi/n; % rotation angle for k=1:n x(Y(k)) = real(exp(angl*(k-1)*i)); y(Y(k)) = imag(exp(angl*(k-1)*i)); end % regulate the font size with respect to graph size if n<=50; fontsize = 10; elseif n>50 && n<=150 fontsize = 8; else fontsize = 6; end for k=1:n plot(x(k),y(k),'k.') text(1.15*x(k),1.15*y(k),strcat('v',num2str(k)),"fontsize",fontsize); hold off; hold on; end edges=find(adj>0); set(gcf,'Color',[1,1,1]) for e=1:length(edges) [ii,jj]=ind2sub([n,n],edges(e)); line([x(ii) x(jj)],[y(ii) y(jj)],'Color','k'); hold off; hold on; end axis([-1.15 1.15 -1.15 1.15]) axis square axis off