% Random directed graph construction % Note 1: if p is omitted, p=0.5 is default % Note 2: no self-loops, no double edges % % INPUTS: n - number of nodes % p - probability, 0<=p<=1 % Output: adjacency matrix, nxn % % GB: last updated, Oct 21 2012 function adj = randomDirectedGraph(n,p) adj=zeros(n); % initialize adjacency matrix if nargin==1; p=0.5; end; % default probability % splitting j = 1:i-1,i+1,n avoids the if statement i==j for i=1:n for j=1:i-1 if rand<=p; adj(i,j)=1; end; end for j=i+1:n if rand<=p; adj(i,j)=1; end; end end