% Add random cross-links on top of a perfect hierarchy. % Non-backbone edges are added with probability % P(i,j)=e^(-Dij/lambda)*e^(-xij/ksi), % where Dij is the level of the lowest common ancestor % and xij is the "organizational" distance % Source: Dodds, Watts, Sabel, "Information exchange and the % robustness of organizational networks", PNAS 100 (21): 12516-12521 % % INPUTs: number of nodes (N), tree branch factor (b), % m - number of additional edges to add, % parameters lambda (lam) and ksi in [0,inf) % OUTPUTs: adjacency matrix of randomized hierarchy, NxN % % Other routines used: edgeL2adj.m, canonicalNets.m, dijkstra.m % GB: last updated, November 23 2012 function adj = DoddsWattsSabel(N,b,m,lam,ksi) % construct a tree with N nodes and branch factor b adj0=edgeL2adj( canonicalNets(N,'tree',b) ); % backbone adjacency matrix adj=adj0; edges=0; while edges0; continue; end % find di,dj and Dij [d1,path1]=dijkstra(adj0,ind1,1); % adjacency, source, target [d2,path2]=dijkstra(adj0,ind2,1); for p=1:length(path1) p1=path1(p); p2=find(path2==p1); if length(p2)>0 % if p1 in path2 di=p-1; dj=p2-1; % di+dj is the the distance from ind1 % to ind2 along the backbone hierarchy Dij=length(path1(p:length(path1)))-1; % the level of the % highest common % node on the path % to the root break end end xij=sqrt(di^2+dj^2-2); % connect ind1 and ind2 with prob. e^(-Dij/lam)e^(-xij/ksi)) if rand