% Plot a graph for which nodes have given coordinates. Apply color % scheme and thicker lines if edges have varying weights. % % INPUTS: extended edge list el[i,:]=[n1 n2 m x1 y1 x2 y2] % OUTPUTS: geometry plot, higher-weight links are thicker and lighter in color % % Note 1: m - edge weight; (x1,y1) are the Euclidean coordinates of n1, (x2,y2) - n2 % Note 2: Easy to change colors and corresponding edge weight coloring % % GB: last updated: December 8, 2012 function []=el2geom(el) set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]) map=colormap('winter'); % ................... CHANGE COLORMAP HERE for i=1:size(el,1) % plot line between two nodes x1=el(i,4); y1=el(i,5); x2=el(i,6); y2=el(i,7); % edge weights ............. CHANGE COLORMAP-LINE THICKNESS SCALE HERE if el(i,3)<2 color=map(8,:); linew=1; elseif el(i,3)>=2 && el(i,3)<3 color=map(2*8,:); linew=2; elseif el(i,3)>=3 && el(i,3)<4 color=map(3*8,:); linew=3; elseif el(i,3)>=4 && el(i,3)<5 color=map(4*8,:); linew=4; elseif el(i,3)>=5 && el(i,3)<6 color=map(5*8,:); linew=5; elseif el(i,3)>=6 && el(i,3)<7 color=map(6*8,:); linew=6; elseif el(i,3)>=7 && el(i,3)<8 color=map(7*8,:); linew=7; elseif el(i,3)>=8 color=map(8*8,:); linew=8; end line([x1 x2],[y1 y2],'LineWidth',linew,'Color',color) hold off; hold on; end axis equal axis off