% Count the number of multiple edges in the graph. % % INPUT: adjacency matrix, nxn % OUTPUT: integer, number of multiple edges % % Examples: multiEdges([0 2; 2 0])=1, and multiEdges([0 0 1; 2 0 0; 0 1 0])=1 % % Note 1: The definition of number of multi-arcs/edges (node pairs % that have multiple edges across them) here is: % mA = length(find(adj>1)); (normalized by 2 if the graph is directed). % % Note 2: This creates a natural difference in counting for % undirected and directed graphs. % % Other routines used: isSymmetric.m % GB: last updated, Sep 26 2014 function mE=multiEdges(adj) if isSymmetric(adj) % here use "is symmetric" as surrogate for "is directed" mE=length(find(adj>1))/2; else mE=length(find(adj>1)); end