% Construct the graph with the maximum possible s-metric, given the degree % sequence; the s-metric is the sum of products of degrees across all edges % Source: Li et al "Towards a Theory of Scale-Free Graphs" % % INPUTs: degree sequence: 1xn vector of positive integers (graphic) % OUTPUTs: edge list of the s-max graph, mx3 % % GB: last updated, November 9 2012 function gA=buildSmaxGraph(deg) didj=[]; for ii=1:length(deg)-1 for jj=ii+1:length(deg) % [deg_i*deg_j, 'B', deg_i, deg_j, 'B', i, j] - 'B' for sorting purposes didj=[didj; deg(ii)*deg(jj), 2, deg(ii), deg(jj), 2, ii,jj]; end end didj=sortrows(didj); didj=didj(end:-1:1,:); % reverse to decreasing order w=deg; % number of remaining stubs - originally equals the degrees [~,maxdegind]=max(deg); % the index of the maximum degree A=[maxdegind]; B = setdiff([1:length(deg)],maxdegind); wA=deg(maxdegind); % remaining stubs in A dB=sum(deg(B)); % total degree of unattached vertices in B gA=[]; % initialize empty edge list while sum(w)>0 % while there are still stubs to connect % STEP 1 (LINK SELECTION) if size(didj,1)==0 if sum(w)>0 % connect all stubs left wstubs=[]; cnt=1; for ww=1:length(w) while w(ww)>0 wstubs=[wstubs; cnt, ww]; w(ww)=w(ww)-1; cnt=cnt+1; end end for xx=1:size(wstubs,1)/2 n1=wstubs(xx,2); n2=wstubs(xx+size(wstubs,1)/2,2); ind1=find(gA(:,1)==n1); if length(ind1)==0 first_case=false; else ind2=find(gA(ind1,2)==n2); if length(ind2)==0 first_case=false; else first_case=true; end end ind2=find(gA(:,1)==n2); if length(ind2)==0 second_case=false; else ind1=find(gA(ind2,2)==n1); if length(ind1)==0 second_case=false; else second_case=true; end end if first_case %if [n1,n2,1] in gA and not(n1==n2): gA=[gA; n1,n2,1]; elseif second_case % if [n2,n1,1] in gA and not(n1==n2): gA=[gA; n2,n1,1]; elseif n1==n2 gA=[gA; n1,n2,1]; end end end return % gA end % eliminate zero stubs in didj didj_new=[]; for ii=1:size(didj,1) if w(didj(ii,6))>0 && w(didj(ii,7))>0 didj_new=[didj_new; didj(ii,:)]; end end didj=didj_new; clear didj_new if size(didj,1)==0; continue; end for ii=1:size(didj,1) edge=[didj(ii,6), didj(ii,7)]; if length(find(A==edge(1)))>0 && length(find(A==edge(2)))>0 didj(ii,:)=[didj(ii,1),100,w(edge(1)),w(edge(2)),100,edge(1),edge(2)]; elseif length(find(A==edge(1)))>0 && length(find(B==edge(2)))>0 didj(ii,:)=[didj(ii,1),100,w(edge(1)),w(edge(2)),2,edge(1),edge(2)]; elseif length(find(B==edge(1)))>0 && length(find(A==edge(2)))>0 didj(ii,:)=[didj(ii,1),2,w(edge(1)),w(edge(2)),1,edge(1),edge(2)]; didj(ii,:)=[didj(ii,1),100,w(edge(2)),w(edge(1)),2,edge(2),edge(1)]; else didj(ii,:)=[didj(ii,1),2,w(edge(1)),w(edge(2)),2,edge(1),edge(2)]; end end didj=sortrows(didj); didj=didj(end:-1:1,:); link_select=[didj(1,6),didj(1,7)]; % select the first link that starts in A % STEP 2 (LINK ADDITION) n1=link_select(1); n2=link_select(2); % if (n1 in A and n2 in B) or (n1 in B and n2 in A) if (length(find(A==n1))>0 && length(find(B==n2))>0) || (length(find(B==n1))>0 && length(find(A==n2))>0) gA=[gA; n1, n2, 1]; if length(find(A==n1))>0 && length(find(B==n2))>0 B = setdiff(B,n2); A=[A; n2]; end if length(find(B==n1))>0 && length(find(A==n2))>0 B = setdiff(B,n1); A=[A; n1]; end w(n1)=w(n1)-1; w(n2)=w(n2)-1; wA=sum(w(A)); dB=sum(deg(B)); didj=didj(2:size(didj,1),:); % remove link from top elseif length(find(A==n1))>0 && length(find(A==n2))>0 % check the tree condition if dB==2*length(B)-wA didj=didj(2:size(didj,1),:); elseif wA==2 && length(B)>0 % results in a disconnected graph didj=didj(2:size(didj,1),:); else % add it! gA=[gA; n1,n2,1]; w(n1)=w(n1)-1; w(n2)=w(n2)-1; wA=sum(w(A)); dB=sum(deg(B)); didj=didj(2:size(didj,1),:); end end end