% Plot nodes radially out from a given center. Equidistant nodes % have the same radius, but different angles. Works best as a quick % visualization for trees, or very sparse graphs. % % Note 1: If a center node is not specified, the nodes are ordered by % sum of neighbor degrees, and the node with highest sum is plotted % in the center. % Note 2: The graph has to be connected. % % Inputs: adjacency matrix (nxn), and center node (optional) % Outputs: plot % % Other routines used: sortNodesBySumNeighborDegrees.m, % adj2adjL.m, diameter.m, kminNeighbors.m % GB: last updated, December 6 2012 function [] = radialPlot(adj,i0) d=diameter(adj); if d==Inf; printf('The graph is not connected.\n'); return; end if nargin==1; I=sortNodesBySumNeighborDegrees(adj); i0=I(1); end; L=adj2adjL(adj); circles={}; % per circle circle{i0}=0; % per node for k=1:d kneigh = kminNeighbors(adj,i0,k); if not(isempty(kneigh)); circles{k}=kneigh; for nei=1:length(kneigh); circle{kneigh(nei)}=k; end end; end for i=1:size(adj,1); descendants{i} = 0; end; for k=length(circles)-1:-1:1 for i=1:length(circles{k}) node = circles{k}(i); neighs=L{node}; for nei=1:length(L{node}) nei = L{node}(nei); if sum(find(circles{k+1}==nei))>0; descendants{node}=descendants{node}+descendants{nei}+1; end end end end descendants{i0}=descendants{i0} + length(L{i0}); for i=1:length(L{i0}); descendants{i0}=descendants{i0} + descendants{L{i0}(i)}; end; start_angle{i0}=0; range{i0}=2*pi; queue=[i0]; visited=[]; while not(isempty(queue)) node=queue(1); queue=queue(2:length(queue)); visited=[visited node]; % select neighbours that have not been visited neigh=[]; for ll=1:length(L{node}) if sum(find(visited==L{node}(ll)))==0 && sum(find(queue==L{node}(ll)))==0; neigh=[neigh L{node}(ll)]; end; end if isempty(neigh); continue; end; range{neigh(1)} = range{node}*(descendants{neigh(1)}+1)/descendants{node}; start_angle{neigh(1)}=start_angle{node}; if sum(find(queue==neigh(1)))==0; queue=[queue neigh(1)]; end; for j=2:length(neigh) range{neigh(j)} = range{node}*(descendants{neigh(j)}+1)/descendants{node}; start_angle{neigh(j)} = start_angle{neigh(j-1)} + range{neigh(j-1)}; if sum(find(queue==neigh(j)))==0; queue=[queue neigh(j)]; end; end end set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1],'Colormap',hot); % Modify color scheme here map=colormap('hot'); % plot with the angle and radius (circle) information for i=1:size(adj,1) x = circle{i}*cos(start_angle{i}+range{i}/2); y = circle{i}*sin(start_angle{i}+range{i}/2); plot(x,y,'.','Color',map(mod(5*circle{i},length(map))+1,:)); hold off; hold on; end xs = cos([0:1:30]*2*pi/30); ys = sin([0:1:30]*2*pi/30); for c=1:length(circles) plot(c*xs,c*ys,':','Color',[244/255,244/255,244/255]); hold off; hold on; end % add the links between nodes for i=1:size(adj,1) for j=i+1:size(adj,1) if adj(i,j)>0 xi=circle{i}*cos(start_angle{i}+range{i}/2); yi=circle{i}*sin(start_angle{i}+range{i}/2); xj=circle{j}*cos(start_angle{j}+range{j}/2); yj=circle{j}*sin(start_angle{j}+range{j}/2); line([xi xj],[yi yj],'Color',map(mod(5*circle{i},length(map))+1,:)) end end end axis tight axis off