% Find the "optimal" number of communities given a network using an eigenvector method % Source: MEJ Newman: Finding community structure using the eigenvectors of matrices, % arXiv:physics/0605087 % Newman, "Modularity and community structure in networks", % arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0602124v1 % % Q=(s^T)Bs, Bij=Aij-kikj/2m % Bij^g=Bij - delta_ij * (sum k over g)B_ik % Bij^g=(Aij-kikj/2m)-delta_ij(sum k over g)(A(g)_ik-deg(g)_i deg(k)_j/2(m_g)) % Bij^g=(Aij-kikj/2m)-delta_ij(k_i^(g)-k_i*sum(deg^(g)/2m) % % STEPS: % 1 define current modularity matrix % 2 compute eigenvector corresp. to largest eigenvalue % 3 separate into 2 modules based on signs in eigenvector % terminate when max eigenvalue is 0 for all subgraphs % % Other functions used: numEdges.m, degrees.m, subgraph.m, isConnected.m % GB: last modified, Oct 12, 2012 function modules=newmanEigenvectorMethod(adj) modules={}; n=length(adj); m=numEdges(adj); [deg,~,~]=degrees(adj); queue{1}=[1:n]; % append all nodes to the queue while length(queue)>0 % while there is always a divisible subgraph % compute modularity matrix- Bg G=queue{1}; % nodes in current (sub)graph to partition adjG=subgraph(adj,G); % first adjG same as original adj [degG,~,~]=degrees(adjG); Bg=zeros(length(G)); for i=1:length(G) % nodes are G(i) for j=i:length(G) % nodes are G(j) % Bij = adj(G(i),G(j))-deg(G(i))*deg(G(j))/(2*m) % delta_ij = (i==j) % k_i^g - k_i (d_g)/2m = degG(i)-deg(G(i))*sum(degG)/(2*m) Bg(i,j)=( adj(G(i),G(j))-deg(G(i))*deg(G(j))/(2*m) )-(i==j)*(degG(i)-deg(G(i))*sum(degG)/(2*m)); Bg(j,i)=Bg(i,j); end end [V,E]=eig(Bg); % eigenvalues if abs(max(diag(E)))<=10^(-5) % terminate - indivisible queue=queue(2:length(queue)); modules={modules{1:length(modules)} G}; continue end [~,indmax]=max(diag(E)); u1=V(:,indmax); comm1=find(u1>0); comm2=find(u1<0); % indices in G if not(isConnected(adj(G(comm1),G(comm1)))) || not(isConnected(adj(G(comm2),G(comm2)))) queue=queue(2:length(queue)); % remove(G) modules={modules{1:length(modules)} G}; % keep original G as indivisible % found disconnected subgraphs - do not explore this option continue end queue={queue{1:length(queue)}, G(comm1), G(comm2)}; % add comm1 and comm2 to the queue queue=queue(2:length(queue)); end