% Convert an adjacency matrix to a one-line string representation of a graph. % % INPUTS: adjacency matrix, nxn % OUTPUTS: string % % Note 1: The nomenclature used to construct the string is arbitrary. % Here we use .i1.j1.k1,.i2.j2.k2,.... % In '.i1.j1.k1,.i2.j2.k2,....', % "dot" signifies new neighbor, "comma" next node % Note 2: Edge weights are not reflected in the string representation. % Example: [0 1 1; 0 0 0; 0 0 0] <=> .2.3,,, % % Other routines used: kneighbors.m % GB: last updated, Sep 25 2012 function str=adj2str(adj) str=''; n=length(adj); for i=1:n neigh=kneighbors(adj,i,1); for k=1:length(neigh); str=strcat(str,'.',num2str(neigh(k))); end str=strcat(str,','); % close this node's neighbors list end