% Convert an edge list of a general graph to the edge list of a % simple graph (no loops, no double edges, no edge weights, symmetric) % % INPUTS: edge list (mx3), m - number of edges % OUTPUTs: edge list of the corresponding simple graph % % Note: Assumes all node pairs [n1,n2,x] occur once; if else see addEdgeWeights.m % Other routines used: symmetrizeEdgeL.m % GB: last updated, Sep 25, 2012 function el=edgeL2simple(el) el(:,3)=ones(size(el,1),1); % make all edge weights 1 ind=find(not(el(:,1)-el(:,2)==0)); % indices of the "non-self-loops" el=el(ind,:); el = symmetrizeEdgeL(el);