second order, need add on error analysis

a2nr 2020-02-03 19:17:38 +07:00
parent 06667063ba
commit 02f9ae1bbf
5 changed files with 70 additions and 70 deletions

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@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ refrensi.
$E \in R^{n\times m}$ & Incidence matrix dimana isinya adalah $\{0, \pm 1\}$ \\
& barisnya menandakan vertices dan kolom nya menandakan edge \\ \hline
$A_1, \dots, A_i \in \mathbb{R}^{p \times q}$ & \\
$diag(A_i) \triangleq blkdiag\{A_1, \dots, A_n\} \in \mathbb{R}^{np \times nq}$ & \\
%% \end{table}
@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ Dengan menerapkan kendali PI
Menghasilkan state baru dan Ditulis ulang
\dot{x}_1 =& x_{2}(t)\\
\dot{x}_2 =& -k_{p1}x_2(t) -R(x_1)^T k_{p2}(R(x_1)x_1(t) - d )) - \xi_1 - R(x_1) \xi_2 \\
\dot{x}_2 =& -k_{p1}x_2(t) -R(x_1)^T k_{p2}(R(x_1)x_1(t) - d )) - \xi_1 - R(x_1)^T \xi_2 \\
\dot{\xi}_1 =& k_{i1} x_2(t)\\
\dot{\xi}_2 =& k_{i2} (R(x_1)x_1(t) - d)
@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ Dalam bentuk matrix
\end{bmatrix} =
0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\
-k_{p2}R(x_1)^T R(x_1) & -k_{p1} & -1 & -R(x_1) \\
-k_{p2}R(x_1)^T R(x_1) & -k_{p1} & -1 & -R(x_1)^T \\
0 & k_{i1} & 0 & 0 \\
k_{i2}R(x_1) & 0 & 0 & 0 \\

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@ -1,85 +1,48 @@
clear -all
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% config nang kene
conRobot = [1 2 1;
%% 2 1 -1;
1 5 1;
%% 5 1 -1;
1 6 1;
%% 6 1 -1;
2 3 1;
%% 3 2 -1;
2 4 1;
%% 4 2 -1;
3 4 1;
%% 4 3 -1;
4 5 1;
%% 5 4 -1;
5 6 1;
%% 6 5 -1;
1 4 1;
%% 4 1 -1;
5 2 1;
%% 2 5 -1
%% 6 3 1;
%% 6 4 1;
%% 6 2 1;
%% 3 1 1;
%% 3 5 1;
3 2 1;
3 1 1;
length_d = 3;
length_d = .5;
dRobot = [ 1;
%% 2;
%% 3.014;
%% 3.014;
%% 3.014;
%% 3.014;
corRobot = [1.5; 1.7;
2; 2.5;
2.5; 2.8;
2.5; 2;
2.2; 1;
1.5; 0.2;
]*10; % xy xy xy
]; % xy xy xy
B = [
1 0; 0 1;
0 0; 0 0;
0 0; 0 0;
0 0; 0 0;
0 0; 0 0;
0 0; 0 0;
kp = 30;
ki = 3;
%% fvref = fncSpeedRef('ysin',100,2);
%% fvref = fncSpeedRef('xsin',50,2);
%% fvref = fncSpeedRef('cw',-100,1);
fvref = fncSpeedRef('s',0,0);
kp = 80;
ki = 1;
% fvref = fncSpeedRef('ysin',50,2);
% fvref = fncSpeedRef('xsin',50,2);
% fvref = fncSpeedRef('cw',-300,1);
fvref = fncSpeedRef('s',50,50);
fvrefans = fncSpeedRef('s',0,0);
tspan = 1:0.1:5;
tspan = 1:0.1:10;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% config nang nduwur
[R,K,d] = rigidityMatrixFnc(conRobot);
_zero = zeros(size(R(corRobot,K),1),1);
sInit = [corRobot; _zero;];
sAnsInit =[_zero; _zero;];
s2ndInit = [corRobot; %x1
zeros(length(corRobot),1); %x2
zeros(length(corRobot),1); %xi1
_zero]; %xi2
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% start solving
printf("Mulai memecakan masalah \n\n");
startExe = tic;
dydt = @(t, y) systm_robot(t, y,(dRobot*length_d), R,K, kp, ki, B, fvref(t));
[t,y] = ode45(dydt, tspan, sInit);
dydt = @(t, y) systm_2nd_order_robot(t, y,(dRobot*length_d), R,K, kp,kp, ki,ki, B, fvref(t));
[t,y] = ode45(dydt, tspan, s2ndInit);
cntr = 1;
bypassCntr = @(c) cntr;
plusPlusCntr = @(c) cntr++;
@ -133,7 +96,7 @@ function plot_con (pltRb, yOut, conIn,xm,ym, time)
plot_con(plot_rb, y', conRobot, xrb, yrb, 1);
plot_con(plot_rb, y', conRobot, xrb, yrb, round(length(tspan)/2));
% plot_con(plot_rb, y', conRobot, xrb, yrb, round(length(tspan)/2));
plot_con(plot_rb, y', conRobot, xrb, yrb, length(tspan));
@ -171,6 +134,7 @@ str_tmp =strcat(str_tmp,sprintf("\"R%i \" )",++i));
title("Norm error setiap edge robot")
save y
save yans
csvwrite("DataOutMotion.csv", [t' y'])
% save y
% save yans

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ function [R,K, d] = rigidityMatrixFnc (edgeL)
str = strcat(str,sprintf("errVec(%i:%i)' ));",i+2,i+3));
% return sebagai fungsi R
eval(str); %% replicate from
R = @(x,k) errBlockDiagonal(edgeVector(x,k))*k;

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
%% systm_2nd_robot
%% param :
%% t -> time
%% x -> state
%% d -> distance antara robot nya
%% R, K -> return dari fungsi rigidityMatrixFnc()
%% kp -> konstanta proporsional
%% ki -> konstanta integral
%% B -> matrix selctor vref
%% vref -> kecepatan refrensi
function dxdt = systm_2nd_order_robot(t,x,d,R,K,kp1,kp2,ki1,ki2,B,vref)
n = length(K(1,:))/2;
l = length(R(ones(n*2,1),K));
m = length(K(:,1))/2;
dxdt = zeros(length(x),1);
x1 = x(1:n*2);
len = length(x1);
x2 = x(len+1:len+length(x1));
len = len + length(x2);
x3 = x(len+1:len+length(x2));
len = len + length(x3);
x4 = x(len+1:length(x));
dxdt(1:n*2) = x2;
len = length(x1);
dxdt(len+1:len+length(x1)) = -kp1*x2 -kp2*R(x1,K)'*R(x1,K)*x1 +kp2*R(x1,K)'*d -x3 -R(x1,K)'*x4 + (B*vref);
len = len + length(x2);
dxdt(len+1:len+length(x2)) = ki1*x2;
len = len + length(x3);
dxdt(len+1:length(x)) = ki2*R(x1,K)*x1 -ki2*d;

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@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
%% systm_robot
%% param :
%% t -> time
%% x -> state
%% d -> distance antara robot nya
%% R, K -> return dari fungsi rigidityMatrixFnc()
%% kp -> konstanta proporsional
%% ki -> konstanta integral
%% B -> matrix selctor vref
%% vref -> kecepatan refrensi
function dxdt = systm_robot(t,x,d,R,K,kp,ki,B,vref)
n = length(K(1,:))/2;
l = length(R(ones(n*2,1),K));
@ -5,14 +15,6 @@ function dxdt = systm_robot(t,x,d,R,K,kp,ki,B,vref)
dxdt = zeros(l,1);
x1 = x(1:n*2);
x2 = x(length(x1)+1:length(x));
%% if (t > 5) && (t < 15)
%% vref = [5; 10];
%% else
%% if (t > 15) && (t > 20)
%% vref = [5; -10];
%% endif
%% endif
%% dxdt(1:length(x1)) = -((kp*R(x1,K)'*R(x1,K))*x1)-(R(x1,K)'*x2)+((kp*R(x1,K)')*d)+(B*vref);
dxdt(1:length(x1)) = -((kp*R(x1,K)'*R(x1,K))*x1)-(R(x1,K)'*x2)+((kp*R(x1,K)')*d)+(B*vref);
dxdt(length(x1)+1:length(x)) = ki*R(x1,K)*x1-(ki*d);