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2019-06-17 14:31:50 +07:00
% Test whether a graph is bipartite. If so, return the two vertex sets.
% A bipartite graph is a graph for which the nodes can be split in two sets A and B,
% such that there are no edges that connect nodes within A or within B.
% Inputs: graph in the form of adjacency list (neighbor list, see adj2adjL.m)
% Outputs: true/false (boolean), empty set (if false) or two sets of vertices
% Note: This only works for undirected graphs.
% GB: last updated, Dec 6, 2015
function [isit,A,B]=isBipartite(L)
isit=true; % default
A=[]; B=[];
queue=[1]; % initialize to first vertex arbitrarily
visited=[]; % initilize to empty
A=[1]; % put the first node on the queue in A, arbitrarily
while not(isempty(queue))
visited=[visited, i];
if length(find(A==i))>0
for j=1:length(L{i})
if length(find(visited==L{i}(j)))==0; queue=[queue, L{i}(j)]; end
elseif length(find(B==i))>0
for j=1:length(L{i})
if length(find(visited==L{i}(j)))==0; queue=[queue, L{i}(j)]; end
queue=queue(2:length(queue)); % remove the visited node
% if A and B overlap, return false, [],[] ....
A=unique(A); B=unique(B);
if not(isempty(intersect(A,B))); isit=false; A=[]; B=[]; return; end
% ............................................
% Alternative for isBipartite(), without returning
% the two vertex sets.
% function [isit] = isBipartite(adj)
% # This function uses the signlessLaplacian() function.
% # Note that instead of checking directly for zeros,
% # due to numeric approximation - the code checks for
% # really small positive numbers instead.
% [~,E] = eig(signlessLaplacian(adj));
% isit = true;
% if sum( abs(diag(E))>10^(-10) )==size(adj,1); isit = false; end