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2019-06-17 14:31:50 +07:00
% Build a random modular graph, given number of modules, and link densities.
% INPUTs: number of nodes (n), number of modules (c), total link density (p),
% and ratio of nodal degree to nodes within the same module
% to the degree to nodes in other modules (r);
% if specified, "labels" overwrites the random node
% assignment to clusters, eg: labels = [1,1,2,3,3,4]
% OUTPUTs: adjacency matrix, modules to which the nodes are assigned
% Idea and code about pre-specified labels by Jonathan Hadida, June 12, 2014
% GB: last updated, July 6, 2014
function [adj, modules] = randomModularGraph(n,c,p,r, labels)
% n - number of nodes
% c - number of clusters/modules
% p - overall probability of attachment
% r - proportion of links within modules
% labels - pre-specified cluster assignments
% assign nodes to modules: 1 -> n/c, n/c+1 -> 2n/c, ... , (c-1)n/c -> c(n/c);
if nargin<5
% equal, up to rounding assignment of nodes to clusters
for k=1:c; modules{k}=round((k-1)*n/c+1):round(k*n/c); end
elseif nargin==5
assert( length(labels) == n )
% pre-specified clusters with "labels"
c = length(unique(labels)); % overwrite "c", the number of clusters, if needed
modules = {};
for k=1:c; modules{k}= md(k,1):md(k,2); end
adj=zeros(n); % initialize adjacency matrix
% DERIVATION of probabilities
% k_in/k_out = r, k_in + k_out = k = p(n-1)
% => (1/r)k_in + k_in = p(n-1), => k_in = rp(n-1)/(r+1), k_out = p(n-1)/(r+1)
% k_in = p_in*(n/c-1) => p_in = rpc(n-1)/((r+1)(n-c))
% k_out = p_out*(n-n/c) => p_out = pc(n-1)/(n(r+1)(c-1))
p_in = r*p*c*(n-1)/((r+1)*(n-c));
p_out = p*c*(n-1)/(n*(r+1)*(c-1));
for i=1:n
for j=i+1:n
module_i=ceil(c*i/n); % the module to which i belongs to
module_j=ceil(c*j/n); % the module to which j belongs to
if module_i==module_j
% prob of attachment within module
if rand<p_in; adj(i,j)=1; adj(j,i)=1; end
% prob of attachment across modules
if rand<p_out; adj(i,j)=1; adj(j,i)=1; end