This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2018) Capacity: max_strings=100000, hash_size=100000, hash_prime=85009 The top-level auxiliary file: thesis.aux The style file: biblatex.bst A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/sampul_Unibraw.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/judul_dalam.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/pengesahan.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/orisinal.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/pengesahan_sidang.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/pengantar.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/persetujuan_publikasi.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/abstrak.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/abstract.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: BAB1/bab1.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: BAB2/bab2.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: BAB3/bab3.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: BAB4/bab4.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: BAB5/bab5.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: BAB6/bab6.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/kesimpulan.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/markLampiran.aux A level-1 auxiliary file: OTHER/lampiran.aux Reallocated glb_str_ptr (elt_size=4) to 20 items from 10. Reallocated global_strs (elt_size=20001) to 20 items from 10. Reallocated glb_str_end (elt_size=4) to 20 items from 10. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Reallocated wiz_functions (elt_size=4) to 6000 items from 3000. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. Database file #1: thesis-blx.bib Database file #2: OTHER/references.bib Warning--entry type for "Irwanto2018" isn't style-file defined --line 10 of file OTHER/references.bib Biblatex version: 3.8 Reallocated wiz_functions (elt_size=4) to 9000 items from 6000. Reallocated singl_function (elt_size=4) to 100 items from 50. You've used 13 entries, 6268 wiz_defined-function locations, 1317 strings with 15640 characters, and the built_in function-call counts, 69429 in all, are: = -- 4412 > -- 1394 < -- 367 + -- 1634 - -- 548 * -- 5614 := -- 6933 add.period$ -- 0 call.type$ -- 13$ -- 148$ -- 58 cite$ -- 24 duplicate$ -- 7545 empty$ -- 6627$ -- 836 if$ -- 14218$ -- 0$ -- 26 missing$ -- 0 newline$ -- 495 num.names$ -- 518 pop$ -- 4138 preamble$ -- 1 purify$ -- 216 quote$ -- 0 skip$ -- 2079 stack$ -- 0 substring$ -- 7256 swap$ -- 2143 text.length$ -- 366 text.prefix$ -- 12 top$ -- 1 type$ -- 429 warning$ -- 0 while$ -- 895 width$ -- 0 write$ -- 483 (There was 1 warning)