% % Halaman Abstract % % @author Andreas Febrian % @version 1.00 % \chapter*{\textit{Summary} } % \vspace*{0.2cm} % \noindent \begin{tabular}{l l p{11.0cm}} % Name&: & \penulis \\ % Program&: & \program \\ % Title&: & \judulInggris \\ % \end{tabular} \\ % \vspace*{0.5cm} \textbf{ \penulis},\textit{ \EnGelar \ \EnJurusan \ \EnFakultas , \EnFakultas \ \EnNamaUni , \bulanTahun , \textit{\judulInggris}, } \textit{Academic Supervisor} : \pembimbingSatu and \pembimbingDua. % \noindent % \todo{Write your abstract here.}\\ \textit{ Formation control is a research topic of multi-robot control, where a group of robots can reach a certain formation and defend it when moving in the desired direction. One of the developments is distance-based where formation goals achieved using the distance between each other only. Many developments are using a simple model and need further development into a realistic model. When applying distance-based, there is a problem in the initial condition, namely that the robot cannot find the coordinates of its neighbors when using only distance. In this work, the cosine algorithm was developed as a solution to the initial conditions which are inspired by a simple triangle formula and need only two steps to find the coordinates. From simulation experiment results, distance-based formation control using three holonomic robot models and the application of the cosine algorithm takes an average of 6.5 seconds to find the coordinates of its neighbors.} % \vspace*{0.2cm} % \noindent Keywords:Formation Control, Multi-robot, Cosine Algorithm, Mobile Robot.\\ % \noindent \todo{Write up keywords about your report here.} \newpage